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The road of civilization, the beginning of reading

date:2017-04-21 14:18:20

In April 23rd, it was the "world reading day". In order to advocate the civilized fashion of reading and reading good books, promoting the whole people reading and constructing the humanities society, the Shanghai North Glass Party branch helped the community cultural center of small Kunshan town and the comprehensive Party committee of the town to carry out "the road of civilization and read the beginning of the ----4.23 world reading day".

At noon on the 4.19 day, the staff came to the Party member's activity room continuously. The scene already gathered a lot of people. The volunteers from the town community cultural center and the town Party committee had prepared more than 100 books for readers to read on the scene. There were classic books, and some people were interested in leisure. Zhi and so on. We use our lunch break to read all kinds of books quietly and enjoy the pleasure brought by books. At the same time, the library opened a library card service, which provided convenience for the employees who like reading.

The purpose of establishing "world reading day" is to promote more people to read, enrich knowledge and improve their accomplishment. And "the road of civilization, reading start" is the response to the "world reading day" call, from our staff, through reading constantly improve self-cultivation, through reading constantly increasing knowledge, become the new era of civilized workers, for the development of the company, but also for their life into a more wonderful content.