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Luoyang badminton competition successfully closed.

date:2016-11-08 14:28:22

In the autumn of October, the sun was shining. In October 30, 2016, a badminton competition consisting of North Glass staff and suppliers was held in North glass, Luoyang. 42 of the contestants and Gao Xue Ming also visited the scene of the competition and participated in the competition.

There are two items in the competition: Men's doubles and mixed doubles. The three games are two wins and 21 points. Because of the great number of great players in this game, the competition began with white hot glue. The competition was difficult to break, and the climax was over. The cry of the audience and the sound of power were added to the tense atmosphere of the competition.

Liang Fenglin and chairman of the men's double combination, all the way to fight hard, after five passes, six will be successfully entered the final. And rival suppliers who compete for the second runner up is also a veteran of the badminton world. At the beginning of the game, the score of the two sides was deadlocked, and the competition became white hot. The first two games were 1:1 Ping. At the end of the final game, the two people of Liang and Gao, with a steady state of mind, exquisite ball skills, wit, a wonderful round of round out, and won the audience to send out a lot of cheers!

<span style="color:#666666;font-family:"">In the end, Liang Gao combined with excellent play won the champion of the men's double event team. The runner up comes from Wang Gaifeng and Qi Yunwei, the supplier of Luoyang Mu Xin team. The third runner up is Zhang Hailei and Zhou Feng of Luoyang North glass. The mixed doubles team's champion is Ding Qinghua and Hou Jie of the Luoyang Galway team of suppliers, Wang Gaifeng and Li Xiuhong of the Luoyang wooden Xin team of suppliers, and Zhou Feng and Liu Yanling from the Luoyang North Glass team.

This competition has fully demonstrated the unity and hard work of the beibon people and the positive spirit and features, strengthened the friendship bridge between the suppliers and the suppliers. At the same time, it also increased the fitness awareness of the employees, and all the employees of the company would have a good body and healthy development along with the north glass.