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Peng Qionglin, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Minister of the organization

date:2017-09-18 11:42:30

On the morning of September 13th, the Committee of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and the Secretary of the Department of the organization Peng Qionglin came to our department to guide the construction of the party building work of "Shuang Fu double wound" in the construction of G60 science and technology corridor, and Meng Xianhui, the general manager of the beibasson Equipment Manufacturing Company, accompanied the explanation.

The people visited the factory workshop and the Party Building Service Center successively, fully understood the construction and activities of the North Glass party organization, and exchanged the difficulties of the "two new" organization and how to do the party construction well, and highly appraised the achievements made by the north glass in the "two new" organization.

Peng Qionglin pointed out that the construction of G60 science and technology corridor is the concrete practice of the Songjiang District Committee to implement the general secretary Xi Jinping to build the global influence center of Shanghai in Songjiang. It is necessary to do a good job of leading the party building economy around the service personnel and develop the basic work of the party. It is necessary to do a good job of attracting the core talents and stimulating the talents as the motive force to help enterprises to expand; to carry out party work around the development of the enterprises, the enterprises should have the measures to serve the talents; to make full use of the party's total branch platform and to do a good job of the talent policy. To do a good job in the service industry chain.

Meng Xianhui said that the North Glass party organization will better serve the party members and workers, and create a positive atmosphere for innovation, and the innovation of the party building at the grass-roots level will eventually lead to the scientific and technological innovation of the G60 science and technology corridor enterprises.